Welcome to Fursday Fun with Furry Friends - it's April Fool's Day!!

April 1, 2021


Good morganite, friends!! A very happy Thursday to you all. It's time to grab your cup of coffee or tea and enjoy some friendly conversation with one another. 😃 

Well, it's the first day of April, so you'd better be on the lookout for any banana skins on the floor or plastic food wrap over toilet bowls ready to catch the unwary victim of a prankster!! 🤡 🙀 Meanwhile, the day seems the perfect chance for us to have a bit of harmless fun with some furry tricksters, and share a few comedic critters and their snicker-worthy antics! 🐶 🦝 🐼 😸 There's no obligation to post images. The only thing we hope you do is enjoy yourself.


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