Welcome to a Snowball Saturdog!

January 13, 2024

Good morganite, friends! A very happy Saturday to you all. It's time to grab your cup of coffee or tea, and enjoy some friendly conversation with one another. πŸ˜ƒ

There isn't a lot we can do about the weather except prepare for it as best we can by stocking up and bundling up. While we're sparing a thought for those dealing with the current storms, let's put a positive spin on things by remembering the more fun aspects of the season like sledding, skiing and building snowmen....and you may be surprised who's joining in with the Winter fun! Perhaps we may even see a few of the beautiful creatures who live in snow country all year round. Now, let's get out there and make the best of that snow!! πŸ˜‰πŸ•πŸ›·⛷️πŸ‚πŸ»‍❄️❄️☃️🧣🧀😺 There's no obligation to post images. The only thing we hope you do is have fun.

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